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Maroochy Quays Home Owners

All Maroochy Quays Home Owners have the opportunity to become registered members of the Association which is Incorporated. All Association matters are managed by the Home Owners Committee (HOC). The committee is simply a management representative of the Association but all registered members are an integral part the Association. Registered members have voting rights and the opportunity to provide input and feedback in relation to any matters of concern or benefit to the Community.

This electronic registration is binding on the applicant as a signed, hard copy application.

Booking System.

We will use your registered details to create your account on the Booking System.

The Booking System is an online system for residents to reserve specific times to use the many facilities available for our use. eg. Pool Tables, Pickle Ball court, Ten Pin Bowling, BBQ's etc. You will receive further information regarding your login credentials for the Booking System after your registration.

Please note. All details are kept securely by the HOC and not shared with any other group or entity.

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